Automated Broker Interface (ABI)
ABI Certified software package for Customhouse Brokers and Importers is a total solution for import accounting and ABI interface. It generates customs documentation, provides online queries, edits, calculations, and prorations. It passes information to related forms automatically, handles complex entries, summarizes values and quantities by HTS for supplier's invoice, and integrates customer billing.
The ABI Financial modules include
Accounts Payable ,
Accounts Receivable ,
General Ledger , Bank Reconciliation and Payroll. While each module can be used separately, an integrated solution will support your entire enterprise's financial and ABI requirements.
The integrated ABI software package runs on all models of the IBM AS/400 family. Whether you are a small or large company, you can feel safe and secure knowing that ABI takes advantage of the AS/400 security system which allows the AS/400 to be tailored to provide the level of security and integrity required by your enterprise.
On-line help
Custom forms CF3461, CF3461ALT, CF7501, CF301, CF3311, FDA, delivery orders, some with laser printer capabilities.
Full customs query capabilities.
Automatic dialing to U.S. Customs transit cargo releases, entry summary, in bonds, and queries automatically in timed intervals.
File duplication allows users to copy an existing file to a new file enhancing data entry speed.
On-line inquiries such as HTS, country code, district port, foreign port, liquidations, entry tapes, mode of transportation, carrier code, etc.
Ports summarization and prorations.
Customers billing is a double entry system (post customer invoices automatically to A/P, A/R and G/L).
Full customer invoice review by file number or invoice number.
File tracking, search files by customer, customer reference, bill of lading, house bill, IT number, container, vessel name/voyage, and manufacturer identification.
Job code processing, entering a three character code will allow the user to move around the system with ease.
Supports multi company/multi office.